Tuesday, July 12, 2011


most of the month was spent making trips to the mall to get all the small things, by the sixth trip i was really having Target withdraws.  there is only one main store that carries a little of everything, Carrefour, but not the best quality.  my favorite Carrefour is in the Landmark Mall because they have:
always a must before leaving the mall

for Easter we had brunch with brian's old roommates and some people from work.   the ritz carlton has one of the best brunches in town, sushi stations, bbq steak, lobster, shrimp,  a table of salads, a table of one bite meals, a crepe dude, and a waffle station.  Plus its bottomless champagne.  the only decor for this holiday was the chocolate bunnies on the dessert bar. 
introducing Vic and the bunny

the following pictures are the highlights from the rest of april.

why wait in the traffic when you can make your own road

this was one arrangement, brian brought them home to celebrate our anniversary 

and a box from Paul

taking the water taxi across the Pearl for some coffee

"downtown" doha in the back and i got my coffee :)

the weather in april was about 90-95 so pretty nice. 

~xoxo mo

1 comment:

  1. A world without Target equals a sad face. :(
    At least there's a Pinkberry!!

